Breaking news: Aklan starts implementation of unified ticketing system in Boracay
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PARADISE. Tourists enjoy Boracay’s famed white sand beach.
Jun Aguirre/Rappler
Foreign tourists are asked to pay P300 for environmental fees, while P100 for domestic tourists. Terminal fees are pegged at P100 each.
BORACAY, Philippines – The local government of Malay, Aklan began to implement a unified ticketing system in Boracay, Saturday, August 17.
Malay Mayor Frolibar Bautista said in a phone interview that the Malay tourism office has released his Executive Order No. 32, which mandates tourists going through the Tabon Port to pay environmental and terminal fees through a Boracay app or through eBoracay.
Foreign tourists are asked to pay P300 for environmental fees, while P100 for dome