‘The Last of Us 2 Remastered’ review: A fair enough deal as a $10 upgrade
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It’s a no-brainer if you’re a big, big fan
Disclosure: Sony provided a copy of the game for this review.
MANILA, Philippines – You’ve all heard it: it’s too early for a remaster of the 2020 PlayStation survival megahit, The Last of Us Part II. (You can read our full review here of the original.)
You can pixel-peep, and maybe see the tiniest bit of improvements, but the main graphical difference here is that the remaster now supports native 4K, as opposed to the older PS5 version that upsampled from 1440p to 4K. Frame rates have also been improved. That’s all well and dandy but for most of us, it’s hardly a big deal.
Replaying TLOU2 via this remaster though, I’m reminded at how amazing the g