CIA being sued for hiding COVID pandemic records
Were there payoffs for those who discounted the Wuhan lab leak?
Bob Unruh
WND News Center
COVID-19 apparently escaped from a Chinese lab experimenting on bat viruses and circled the globe, killing millions.
Worse, untold tens of thousands suffered side effects, up to and including death, from the experimental mRNA treatments demanded by many officials in and out of government both.
Now the Central Intelligence Agency is being sued for refusing to release records relating to an investigation of the origins of COVID.
A report from the Daily Caller explains that the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project is suing the federal bureaucracy over those records
The court case followed a refusal by the CIA to comply with the requirements of the federal Freedom of Information Act, through which the records “connected to its team tasked with investigating the lab leak theory,” were sought.
That theory suggests COVID-19 was created in and escaped from a lab – not the scientifically impl